Whole school

Elements of an excellent student- periodic table of elements display
Science classroom display
Elements of an excellent student shaped into the periodic table
All components of the display included, plus photos of how the finished display should look

Classroom Escape Room
Classroom Escape Room
Includes everything you need to set up the escape room
Print ables
How to set up
-Photos of set up
This escape room takes a maximimum of 30 minutes for students to complete.

Harry Potter Resilience Classroom Display
Harry Potter and the Ordinary Magic of Resilience Classroom Display
Includes everything you need to replicate this display

Lego Themed Resilience Classroom Display
Lego Themed Resilience Classroom Display- Change your words, change your mindset
Lego wall of the 10 steps of growth mindset
Brain showing the difference between fixed and growth mindset
Includes all print outs needed to make the display and numerous photos of what the finished display should look like